*Any inquiries concerning Blueberry can be sent directly to Max Keefe by email (dex_md@yahoo.com) or text (843-298-7888), or to her co-owner Chase Gartzke via email (carolinamonarch@gmail.com) or text (843-666-4981).

This pretty young bitch is an aspiring performer! She was born March 7th of 2020 and her owner, Max Keefe, is pursuing titles in both Conformation and sporting events!
You can view her on the Afghan Hound Pedigree Database here.
Health Testing:
OFA Eyes: NORMAL AH-EYE444/2F-NOPI (click here for verification)
Any updates concerning Blueberry will be posted here, so check back in later!
Blueberry running at an AKC Fast CAT, 03-21-2021

Blueberry competed March 27th and 28th in Charlotte at the Afghan Hound Specialties where she placed 3rd (Saturday AM), 2nd (Saturday PM), 4th (Sunday AM), and 4th (Sunday PM) in her class at the four shows that weekend.

Blueberry ran 4 FastCAT trials May 8th and 9th in Charlotte , NC. She accumulated 83.52 points over the course of those 4 runs! And even more important than any points, she had fun.
She placed 33rd in national AKC FastCAT rankings for Afghan Hounds with a top speed 21.93mph run speed. (AKC FastCAT Rankings List By Breed on June 10th, 2021)

UPDATE: Saturday, August 14th, 2021: Blueberry earned her BCAT title at the Concord, NC FastCAT held by the Greater Monroe Kennel Club! She is now working toward her DCAT title.
